It's been a year since we were in Indianapolis making Defiance.

We've recorded since, but this was the first time we've been back in a studio proper.

We finished the overdubs for 5D yesterday and I made a rookie mistake.

Thanks to Pete at Rentacam for looking after us, I have a brilliant camera.

I forgot to check the Mic settings for the handle mounted shotgun mic and so I filmed all of the overdubs yesterday without the camera sound.

Synchronising these to the master takes will take extra time as a result.

Rookie mistake. Don't go hire the pro camera unless you're going to do Pro work flow.

ARRRRRGH!! No one to blame but me and I like me, but I am not letting myself entirely off the hook here, I'll be the one doing the synch.


Last time I got a focus bit wrong and I was...err...focused on the focus and... (sigh).

It was a solid day yesterday. 5D is almost complete. Editing it will now obviously take me longer (ARRRRRRGHH!!!) and we've moved on to Brand New Songs. 

Each of these things we try takes time. This is the good bit. No rush. Check the dang mic settings. We got the overdubs done, got the kit in place and today will be all about new stuff.

I'm posting some live bits to FB, check it there. I haven't got the cross posting software worked out yet. It's on the To Do List. Meanwhile do the FB if you wanna see our day progress. It'll be a long one today, and a good one.