This one hurts. Some people have a disproportionate effect on your life relative to the amount of time you knew them.

Rick Lyon was one of those people.

I met him on a plane between Dallas and Chicago, read his poetry and corresponded with him for the last 3 years.

He invited the band to Cuba for his wedding to Lisa earlier this year. We'd have been there if we could. 

Rick & lisa Lyon (Custom).jpg

Rick made me want to work harder, to do better.

His poetry was open, honest, simple, elegant, beautiful.

Rick only dealt in Truth.

Although he had a little recognition and was proud of the attention from the New Yorker, he was vastly under appreciated.

Rick would write me long letters which he wanted to post, but opted to send by email, in a rare nod to modern technology.

I shared a few with Rosie, only to marvel at how beautifully he wrote.

The last time i talked to him, he was on the floor of an airport, returning from criss crossing the US delivering vehicles looking out the window, writing.

I often thought of him, somehow playing a vital and powerful magical part in our world, observing, knowing, seeing each an every small detail that the rest of us were oblivious to.

Rick was a beautiful soul and the light dimmed just a little when he left.

What he leaves behind still resonates, and keeps his light alive in the world.

We're heartbroken for Lisa and only greatful that she brought so much joy into his life.

We all thought we'd have longer to spend with him, he had so much more to teach us.


For you Rick.