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It's a blue spring day yet Summer is beckoning. It's been a dry few months in Sydney and they say the rains threaten.

First the forecast was 'we'll all scorch to bits' now it's 'huge storms'. 

Take the clear, slightly cool blue sky day and remember it well :-)

Apropos of nothing else, we scheduled another session for SC11.

We've found the structure for this album. As I write about it, I learn that each album we've done has a different structure. Up until a few moments ago I thought about them in terms of sonic difference.

With SC11 we have established a new logistical process. Write, rehearse, record, over 3 days. That's not entirely a novel approach for us, we did something similar with 'Chase the dragon', 'Julie' and most of the songs on Kansas City Gold.


Risk is good. Failure is instructive. I'm listening to the mixes of 5D and enjoying the versions without vocals. There's a little more to do on it. Some of the things we have tried didn't work on the first go. This has pointed the way to SC11.

It's good to be working. I'm keen on having the 5D project released this year simply for the enjoyment of getting two things out in a year.

A peaceful afternoon.