There is much to learn from doing 'stuff'. All sorts of things that Philosophers and Clever Thinky Peeples can talk about. 

Whilst I can definitely say that all the coursework is here, I wonder if I am learning the lessons.

The best way I can describe this might be to share the current status of things we are doing. There's a bit.

Not in any particular order, here's what's being made down in the stormcellar:

A: Defiance - Promoting in the Age of the Attentions Wars

Just went #1 on the ABARC chart. Promotion in progress. Yes promotion is a thing. Yes we have to do it.

There's a term I have used for a while, I probably saw it online: The Attention Wars.

Humans took a big jump when they stepped online. A Gutenberg Bible level jump.

Our society and Human Hive Mind is yet young online and filled with the schoolyard behaviours of a young mental species.

Clamouring for attention is one of those traits.


It's exhausting. neh?

As a powerful Elder Geek of the 300BPS, I've been online since naughty pictures were in ASCII. Hail the trailblazer.


I'm not clamouring after anyone's attention.

You, dear reader, are here for a reason: Your own reason.

We're here sounding our Barbarian Yawp across the rooftops (our recently passed mate Rick was a big Walt Whitman fan)...

It's a personal thing.

However, no promo, no sales. Can't like a band if you have never heard it. So? So promo. I'm doing it. 

Rather than talk about what we think is the right way, we kind of just do it. If I'm right, I'll write an online course.

Which brings me to..

B: The Mid West Triptych

the final assembly of EFLH, KCG, D (holy crap an album that has a 1 letter acronym?). Do we add unreleased songs? 

As a digital online release, there are no rules. I read about a star from the 1990's who's just released 54 tracks on a single release. 54. Far out.

Working out whether to make the MWT the albums as they are, add or remove songs, squeeze it onto 2 discs, only do it as digital, with no limits, put anything you want in there?

yeah. Unanswered questions.

also: booklet? Videos?

C: We The People Videoclip

 I've been in pre-pre-prod for months. I've had at least 3 fails so far. Waiting on a friend right now.

D: 5D Project.

Well this one is going pretty well. Why? because I am the only person I have to schedule right now. It's mixing and video editing.

I'm working through the ideas for the project. We may add more footage. Maybe. Probably. Possibly.

The recording of 'Brave with your heart' at the dome is beautifully flawed. I don't know if we'll use it. The studio version is great, but it lacks the 'live' aspect that is part and parcel of 5D.

So I came up with a novel solution.

If Marina dances to it, and i record her flamenco rhythms and add that in as the atmosphere layer track, I have achieved the key conceptual element of the project.

Oh. Have I actually mentioned what that is?

5D is all about the sound of the environment, where we are. We usually work from the Drums up. 5D is guitars outwards.

I'll repost an early video to show what I mean - I've been capturing the guitar with 'Atmosphere' from where they're recorded, then adding instruments in the studio.

Here's Bill doing the first  layer of Pirouette. You ought to hear it with the string section, it's quite a joy. Note the sound of the water and the waves.

Each of the tracks in the project has a base track like this one. Except for brave with your heart.

E: SC11 

We've started it. Pirouette Electric Version is in final mix. We'll release it as a single because why not. That's what Mr Wizard says.

'Soul Thing' is awaiting Jo Vocals and a harp solo.

'Lay your love' is in mixing. Cool.

The process for SC11 is write-rehearse-record in quick order. Trying to get that scheduled whilst being respectful of everyone's scheduled is my present task.

F: Massive Writing Session

Bill, Mr Wizard and Rosie have all got new songs. 

G: Other...

Yeah. But I'm done blogging for now. There's plenty of work if you're up for doing it. Never been a better time to be a #selfpropelledartist.