I got a strange postcard from our EX manager (Roger it's over mate, dude seriously you need to pay attention to the lawyers).

I wound up tightening our infosec a few times as he keeps finding ways to post stuff on our accounts and even here.


He explained that the 'Cellar Files' will soon be released and suggested a price in Bitcoin for helping to locate the files.


It read, in part:

'Hello me lads, congratluations (sic) on the #1 album with Defiance, I'm right proud of you. I think it's a crying shame that it hasn't received more reconisshun (sic) and I'm working on some new conexctions (sic) with me new mate Sergei, I showed him the video with Mr Putin in it and he loved it, he says you are good for a tour here, he said something about the Party coming to you, just wait. What a top bloke. He reckon's he's got a few ideas on how to get you guys elected. Anyway, best to you all me lads, I'm off to a sauna with Sergei for a birch whipping. Talks soon - love, Roger'

A few minutes after I opened the email, my mouse started moving by itself.

I am running a security sweep now. Oh Roger, what have you done??