Finding a key where the Guitar and Vocal sound good took us all the way up down and around the fret board.

Also, factor in Mr Wizards tuning preferences, the instrument themselves and the idiosyncracies of the human voice (well my voice anyway) and you can see why we spent quite some time on it. I couldn't find anything I liked and went around and around in circles. Bless Brother Bill for his patience.

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Local Influences are the theme of this project, we've written a tribute to Richard Clapton. Finding where to place it for the voice is taking time.

Mr Wizard complained that the lyrics are now too complex.



Last week it was 'there are too many La La La's'


Brother Bill has a theory on our next recording, he wants us to do more development out of the studio, using the local digital tools that we have at our disposal.

That's leading to greater complexity.

Hmm. Interesting.

We got 1.5 guide tracks done at the last session, we have a proposed date for the next batch of recording and the Flamenco session tomorrow.

I'm hoping to get our social media integration agai, I'm live blogging someof this stuff on FB until I do. Use the link.

BTW: Dr Rock joined us yesterday, Local Influences. PL/JC/ Other Cellar Dwellers have been notified. We're celebrating our local community of Muso's and Scallywags.

If you're a Cellar Dweller, you're in Sydney and you want to drop in to a session over the next 3-6 months as we work on SC10 and SC11, sing out, use the contact form.