So I haven't finished the art for Safe Harbour yet. Got a few samples. Still working.

Masters are in. Final logistical details to clean up. Naming. ISRC codes. Getting the credits right.

Putting all that aside.

We did two SC11 sessions this week. I'm not sure whether everything we tried worked. I'm OK with that.

There comes a point where you reach a fork in the road, so to speak. Which way will the song go? 

If it leads to a dead end, turn around, go back.

In a way, we continue the great tradition of Australian Explorers - lost in the bush calling 'coooeee' to one another.

Crossing_of_Blue_Mountains,_1880 (Custom).jpg

We have two more sessions scheduled and then? well? 

Are we done yet?


Still more risks to take.

We have at least three more elements to try.

Nobody draws a map for this stuff, pack plenty of of water and biscuits.