There was a downpour as we started rehearsal last night. Thunder, lightning scaling sideways across the sky.

From a Stormcellar perspective, good omens

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Last night we welcomed back Carl 'Noodles' Alwert into the Bass chair for the time being, while Brother Bill takes up a learning opportunity that he's passionate about. 

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My photography left a bit to be desired....

It's always been a challenge to market an intensely private band, both amusing and ironic that people who live a life on stage are not all that keen on sharing everything. But that's how it is.

In a 21st century internet age where we willingly surrender our data, it's even more ironic. Nonetheless, any time I overshare, I get 'that look' from band members, so I keep shtum :-)

We're part of the community of the band, and the community of Aussie muso's at large. When Chris Wilson passed recently, we all knew. There's a lot of sharing because everyone has worked with or jammed with someone at some point. 

Within the band itself are the interacting lives of dozens of people.

We mourn each others losses, help each other through when it's our turn in the tempest, we provide solace, company and expression. It's as much a way to get by as it is a band. And I know for Cellar Dwellers, that's not far off the mark as well.

As I think of some of the background stuff that goes on, that is not strictly mine to share, I can at least share the understanding we gain from it.

In these last 11 years we have lost beloved friends, ex members of the band, comrades in music and family. These are the natural tides of life.

It has ever been our fortune to be grateful for what we get to do, doubly blessed to understand enough to be greatful.

Humans are fragile. Life is fragile.

Every time we get to do what we do, it's an affirmation.

Today it's my turn in the storm, and tonight we will play in celebration of a long time band supporter who is coming to the end of his path.

Every time we get to do this, I am grateful, and I am fortunate to be in the company of my friends in the stormcellar.