Considering that we have no shows this month I'm still pretty busy.

Organising US tour #5 is underway and roughly on schedule.

I'm trying to do this in a way that doesn't cause the crazy stress we've had in previous years by doing it slowly and methodically.

Breathe in, sign form.

Breathe out, look up insurance.


Yes, welcome to the world of the Self Propelled Artist. Oh yeah. More on that in a bit.

Project Status's's's's's

Salon Project - trying to organise the next session. We've got one song in production now, it needs more cowbell.

MUCH more cowbell. Or the metaphorical equivalent.


This project will likely diverge into SC12/13. I think. The whole idea is to get on with it and then release them in whichever grouping makes sense.

Every album has a theme, we got the next one.

I fricking love crossfire, it's made better by the energy and creative input from our mates. Now I'm slightly scared because that one turned out perhaps...a little too well. Now we gotta work harder.

Anyway. Next.

LOPE Project - Aww come on gimme a break here I barely just sorted accom for Memphis next year

Alright. Fine.

Tech. I'm in tech land. I did the research, now I need test subjects, a date, gear, more testing. 

Videos -  I could not get Rosie to go along with my ideas for the Lady Grey Video, part of the Sydney Identity Project. Yeah well we get done what we can. He gave me that look. That Rosie look.

Mr Wizard also gives me that look. You know who doesn't?...well...often? THEO.

Expect more videos about the drummer, Yeah you heard me.

Ok. So here's how it's gonna be for a while. We're going to opportunistically attempt 'things' which means I don't know which 'things' exactly will occur, exactly, in which order, exactly.

I know that it's still pretty crazy in the mind space of the general world, hopefully every time you spend a few minutes in the stormcellar you come away with a little breather from it all.

Here's the video again cos I am digging it.