With the backyard under water, we opted to shift the Downtime session into a song development session. I chose not to stream it because sometimes you want privacy so you can be free to make mistakes. 

However I did receive some requests so we might try live streaming some of the recording sessions.

Housekeeping - I miscounted downtime episodes (thanks Boss) so we are up to episode 7. I am expecting some new awesome guests and it will be great when the Studio is no longer submerged. 

Provided we are not washed away in a deluge, I expect we will be back on for next week.

Recording and mixing on Sanctuary and Awakening is proceeding. The new batch of songs is coming along, guide tracks going back and forth and guests being scheduled. 

The Boss (formerly, Theo lol) is marshalling this stuff through. As I type I am listening to the rain hose down and wondering when the back of the house will start to float away.  Typical stormcellar weather again.