Hey wow, it looks like ...no hang on....Ok i was about to say I am the holdup and then it occurred to me I am taking on a little too much responsibility.

We are now moving into the final 3 song phase for finishing the album. It has taken the time it has taken for all the reasons - COVID, weather, scheduling, ongoing songwriting stuff and even learning within the making.

There's a school of thought that would suggest this is all moving at the appropriate pace. Righto.

The practicalities are now that we need one more drum session for two songs, one more song to emerge from development, or for me to figure out two of the problem children who may/may not be ready and thus might come up on the next album.

Oh did I mention that? Yeah. There's a new crop that are in a different vibe so....

Work continues. A good sign.

Stay well out there :)