Bah Humbug. So I spend ages/articles worth of 'this ain't done yet' and then pushing to hit a deadline aaaand....


Now I am completely taking advantage of the slow down to...keep mixing. 

Yeah. I took some time away from the listening, as wiser ears have oft counselled me, and have come back to it with teeeny teeny tweaks and more tweaks.

You will be able to colour me surprised if we ever make anything quite the same way as this . Oh crap. That kinda resonated in a 'lol haha' way with the universe around me. Heck, I thought I was done mixing.

I am reminded of that saying, a poem is never finished, merely abandoned.

Not Live?

Theo noted unless we get quite a  few guests this won't be reproduced on stage the same way as the album.

I wasn't really concerned with being able to re-produce it exactly, live. I mean, this has been "OOH LOOK BUTTONS' as a mixing style. Being stuck at home during covid with moderate internet speeds and a plucky attitude has led to some curious choices.

Yeah Theo has said this is the most out there stuff since Curious Assembly. Sort of like Offspring of Curious Assembly.


Marketing department needs more time as well I think.

Subsequent to having the toys taken away from me before I issue yet another mix, videos?
