This intermediate master thing was a great idea. It's now time for notes and fixes. I am wondering about the time frame. 30 days seems reasonable. 6 weeks seems even more reasonable. Somewhere in that range maybe?
Ex COVID, this has been one of the longest patches without live play. Strange days indeed.
I am thinking the album tracks will be a little different to the singles. Some tweaking will occur.
This is such a different production chain wow it's noticeable. Usually the masteres works with what they are given. here, I can go back in the production chain and tweak the mix.
I feel fortunate that I have some good 'ears' around me as I try my hand at this. There's still a part of me that would be very glad if this was being done by someone else LOL (piker!).
Mind you, if someone really likes it and they send me a bag of cash we can always remaster, so that's kinda practical.
I am giving some thought to live sreaming a few of the final mixing sessions just cos :) Stay tuned.