Here are some important tips for harmonica players that I was reminded of last night


Harmonica Player Important Reminder notes:


1. Avoid eating things with seeds. They will come back to get you in the middle of gigs.


That's right Oat Muesli Bars, I am talking to you. Mid way through a song last night, a teeny, tiny, omega three, vitamin filled kernel of goodness popped out of somewhere and proceeded directly to the back of my throat on inhale.


It's not the initial seed swallowing that's the problem. Its the tickling at the back of your throat , that phantom sensation that the seed remains! It's barley/soy/burgum/wtf and it's trying to kill you.


Or, more specifically, trying to make you perform a complex series of swallowing motions, hopefully assisted by the beverage you have to hand (Tip 2 - keep something to whet your whistle on stage) but you cant reach for it, you're mid way through singing/breathing/playing and the words to the song/awesome power harp chord sound a little strange when your  phrasing commences with 'Yeegaarrghhblechh'. (Tip 3, place your beverage where you wont knock it over)  So despite the urgent tingling, the need to swallow, you bravely struggle on making the occasional Daffy Duck noise, hope like crazy for a guitar solo and dive for your drink. Two sips, a swallow and problem solved. Hurrah!


A big cheer to Charity, Lynn, Claudette, TInker, the Fitzgerald Clan,Vertical, Big Daddy and Uncle Geoff, who came along for the evening. What a great pleasure to play with both Fettler and Jo.


I was looking forward to that for some time :-)


We're on at the Bald Rock in Rozelle this coming weekend and we'll miss our guests, but I guess that's what makes occasions when you can get friends and family together that make them special. (Yes I am getting all gooey, hey I almost choked! It was a near breath experience!)


EDIT: I just remembered a few other Harp Player rules;


Tip 4: Make sure all your harps are in the appropriate cases or are clearly labelled. Getting an F when you want a C is no fun.


Tip 5: And this is a biggie - Remember to check which way your harp is facing, and/or that it's not upside down. This can lead to some very interesting melodic patterning.


Figuring out which side to blow through can be done by feel. the big open space at the back is not for you. Try the front. It seems to work for me.


However, determining which way is up is a little harder. If you've had your harps awhile, the engraving on the top can get rubbed away, or , if like some of us (Hi, my names Michael) you aren't paying enough attention during the the critical pick-up-the-harp-and-snuggle-it-in-your-hand-while-still-talking/breathing/reaching for your drink phase, you may find that the first few notes of soulful intensity become a rather quizzical dance to the opposite end of the harp, followed by a quick flip of the wrist, a smirk of chagrin and then another go at it, this time, right way up.


Engrave'em, put braille on them, neon signs marked THIS WAY UP would be a plus. If you come up with a good solution, have pity and drop me a note :-)


Stay tuned for more amazing insights, updated at point of failure!