I love the Brackets & Jam nights. They have a community spirit that's marvellous to experience.


There's also the Lentil Burger (yum!). Rosie had beans. Hurrah for fibre!


Even though we arrived in the evening, you get a sense of how pretty the location is - a mud brick cottage at the top of a 'mountain' (citation needed)  in a bush land setting, with cleared lawns around it. During the day, the view must be spectacular.


The music was already in full swing when we arrived.


Johnny Devilseed and the Birdman were great, the Drum Jam was ...well...watch the video.



Here's a moment of the drum jam 




We've played the 'North' Brackets and Jam and i tried to stir up a bit of Brackets rivalry in the crowd (Fail), they're all too darn nice.  :-)


Some of our regular attendees are starting to hear songs from the new album that they haven't heard before...or as Steve said - You've been playing that one for ages :-) Yes Steve, we have, but it takes us ages to get the flipping thing released!

 I had some good reports on Feel So Blue. Nice. I also enjoyed the comment from an unnamed Person  (STEVE!!) - 'Ya know, I'm actually looking forward to the next album'


I thought that was a funny-cos-it's-true moment so I shared it with Rosie on the drive home. Turns out, each one of us had the same conversation and each one of us replied: "So are we' :-)


A good vibe night. If you're on the central coast, or near it, it's a good night out for live music, healthy food (I had Chai. I am now officially a Hippy) and live music, with a crowd of happy people gathered together to enjoy themselves in a startlingly Australian manner, reminescent of an old bush dance. Community vibe is alive, ya just gotta go look.


Cheers to Steve and Bernie, Noel, Gary, Anna and all the Brackets & Jam Crowd. We look forward to going back up there in Summer.