Howdy Folks.


Our studio sessions recommenced today with Guitar stuff with Rosie.


As per usual, I dropped by to get a few minutes of blog footage and wound up sticking around for a while.


Rosie has threatened me with excommunication if I publish any Flubs, so I have to walk a delicate line between getting the inside scoop and a well deserved thrashing. Fortunately, Rosie was in fine form today, as was Mr Pete.



I am constantly fascinated by the technical terms such as 'Rawl', 'Gnrrr' 'Fwang' and other Don-Martinisms, as Pete and Paul helped Rosie work ont he chord patterns and sounds.






I was glad I stuck around for some work on Even In A Lifetime. Sometimes songs take on another life in the studio and this song is one of them. I only caught the first bit of rosies guitar fills so I can demonstrate the way that the song is evolving into something with a much richer sound, without giving up the surprise of the finished product.


It's my turn tomorrow for some Vocals, wish me luck :-)