Howdy folks. Today was Theo's session for adding percussion.





Whilst Theo and Pete were getting set up, I noticed the tell tale signs that Rosie has been in the studio



Who else do I know that has a copy of The Monks 'Black Monk Time'....and tries to persuade other people to listen to it? Heck, I had to, so why not poor old Pete?


I haven't been the same since. Mind you, I have made Rosie listen to Blue Oyster Cult and Rap, so I guess we're even.


Ahem. Back to the subject at hand.


Theo had a chance to try out a range of different percussion ideas, here's Theo and Pete working on ideas for Hard Times.



I had thought that this was our last session, but after a review, it looks like we still have two more sessions worth of additional elements to record. Mixing and editing has already started for the songs that are complete and we have scheduled some editing time for next week.


I know that the album will be 'ready when its ready', but that doesn't stop me from thinking 'are we there yet, are we there yet?"


The answer is, not there yet but we're getting closer :-) Stay tuned, I'll keep adding more excerpts as we keep working on it.