The casual observer might see these pictures



and think, Hmm...having a flutter on the horses?




Whilst listening to the mixes in the car ,the only paper Theo had to hand when was the form guide, so for his session, we consulted the Form for Notes on Percussion.




And also the cross word. 9 Down, '4 letter word for Floor Toms sound...hmmm..'Boxy?'


This session was Theo's chance to fix up the sounds of some of the drum parts, adjust a few fills and as he put it 'Try to impress my Brother'.


Y'see, Theo's Bro is a Drummer too and during the editing on Light In the Distance ( I think), one of the drum fills was deleted, and as it was Super Impressive, Theo wanted it back.


The only problem was having to remove an earlier fill.


Theo and Pete couldn't find one they wanted to sacrifice, so to sum it all up, Theo left out the most super impressive fill because of all the other super impressive fills. Go figure.


He also pointed out the fill tribute to Pink Floyd, hidden away in one of the songs, playing a very specific Nick Mason drum roll. Very amusing. 


Making some minor adjustments to the drum makes a big difference in the sound. Yikes.


With that session completed, we're gearing up for a session in the coming week that should pretty much finalise the mixes. Yep, I assume there'll be more back and forth, and probably a few more minor tweaks but like it or not, we're almost done.