Lady B was so committed to the Blues DJ set at the Avalon, she even did her hair!

Weekend gig mentions! Read on for more! This weekend (last weekend?) we had a great two nights, - Friday at Avalon and Saturday at the famous Town and Country Hotel.

For the second time, we started the night off with a Blues DJ Set, which is a strange combination of new technology and old music.

Lady B, who was our honorary Blues DJ for the night, recently raised $3200 for the Leukemia Foundation by offering to mess with her hair (see above picture) - it was touch and go there between Shave and Colour, but thankfully Colour won out, leaving Lady B perfectly Coiffured for the night. Here's her impression of a Blues DJ (Dont blame me, this is one of those cutesie things that Girls send around, you know the stuff).

Anyway, with Lady B leading the way and the Avalon showing us a lot of love, we had a great night. Cheers to Sandy, Jenny, Simone, Nigel, KT, Rod and all the others who came along to say hi!.

Now, I am not sure if I should mention this, but what the heck. If you have read this blog for a while, you may be aware that I got Bitten whilst on our Melbourne tour. (boy did I have some 'splaining to do).

On Friday night at the Avalon, I got bitten again; this time by a bloke.

On the know...lower...err...Ok.


He bit my ass.

There, I said it. I was replacing my harp's into their cases from the foot of the stage when he came up behind me and well. You know the rest.

Nobody teaches you how to respond to moments like that. The dumbfounded expression on my face may not have truly conveyed my sense of bewilderment. There's bound to be some sociological explanation, something like 'now you have been admitted to the tribe' or something like that. I am at a loss.

Fortunately, there were no pictures. Unfortunately, there were witnesses. 

We also had some enthusiastic Band Surfing from a member of the audience, who may have been the ass-biter (I'm not too sure.) He joined us on stage, grabbed the mike and rapped along (Jason, he's stealing your shtick dude), rubeed my hair over his face and tried to run off into the audience with the mike, leaving our valiant soundo (Hey Michael) contemplating hitting him with the mike stand.

I can safely say that they know how to get down on the Northern Beaches. Mark has suggested we request security if we play there again.

Saturday Night we were at the Town & Country

Bobby adjusting sound at the Town and Country, just cos he felt like it!

The Town & Country has just started doing live music again and will be playing host to some great muso's over the next while. We were honored to get a chance to play in this iconic hotel and spend the night with some friends. Hi to Stu, Stef (and son!), Hey Pete!

Bobby came past to have a beer and offered to tweak the sound desk, and when Don Bobby makes an offer like that, how can you refuse?

We had a solid three sets, shifting some of the new stuff to mid set 2 (Glenrown and Island Time) and testing out a new approach to Up the Line.

This week's recording session for SC2 has been moved and we're about a couple of weeks away from another Spacejunk session, so it gives me a little time (to do things like blogging). We're up at the Fitzroy Hotel in Windsor with the Radiators this Saturday 28th and up in Newcastle next weekend for the Community Brackets & Jam Session.

When more stuff happens, I'll post it up here!

Until next Time..