With two big parties on in Central Mangrove last night, our set at the Memorial club was the Alternative!  We arrived in the late afternoon and watched the amazing play of clouds outside the club.

For no reason other than that they look gorgeous, here's some random cloud pictures taken from the surrounds of the Mangrove Memorial Club. 

Of course, there are rules, even in heaven:

Of course, whilst cloud watching, I took some video to give you a scale of the panorama from the club. 

Central Mangrove sure is pretty. Whilst these clouds were beating up on Sydney, we could watch the flashes of light on the horizon.

A little later, I tried to capture a sense of the the surroundings at night.

In Music Reporting - we had a great night with the Local Mangrovians, one of whom had dropped in to say g'day during our Spacejunk session at the local hall. We send our regards out to Slippery and hope that better times return.

Cheers to Paul, Gail, Chris, Fran and Scott! Thanks for buying an album. We're fast running out (uh oh).

Scott and his good lady in particular had a grand old evening - recently moved to central mangrove from newcastle way, they came out for some music and scored on the pokies at the same time. We have promised the Venues Not To Play That Song again.

With Pete jumping up and down the front to check our sound and the thunderheads outside putting on a distant light show, we had a great night in cold air climates. Cheers to Edessa for the menu recommendations!

This coming weekend will see us playing at the Gearin Hotel in Katoomba. We're moving (literally) up in the world :-)