The muso's club jam returned to the Bald Faced Stag this week, which is nice. I got three phone calls from the boys until I got the message that I should join them for a blues jam.

Lucky for me, I had the trusty camera with which to record a couple of memorable moments. Paul had the good fortune to play with Chris Brockbank tonight. What can I say? Here's some footage.

And of course, Jeff on Keys...

Which brings us to Mrose's moment of the night, playing with the inestimable 'Justice' Dennis Aubrey. Dennis has eclectic taste in music and I'm not sure that 'My Girl' would have been Mroses Track Of Choice, had he a choice, which he didnt.

Such is the random chaotic nature of the Jam Environment. Of course, when ever you have a moment of musical discomfort, where your very masculinity may be threatened by a rather syrupy song, there's always some !*&(@ on hand with a camera to capture the moment...and laught at it. That evil person is of course, your present interlocutor. (me!)

Note the look of grief on Michaels face as he realises what he's got himself into. Priceless! sweet! LOL...

We stuck around for a jam with Slinky and Bob, doing Help Me, Spoonfull and a messy version of Rock me Baby (our version of it) and a nice night was had by all. The Musos Club Jam is on every wednesday at the Bald Faced Stag in Leichhardt from 8 till 11:30. Its a great night of free music and a great place to jam.