Is this Australia's first Musical ATM? Read on for the weekend gig report!

Howdy folks. No, that wasnt a Musical ATM or Paul geting out money, that was the space restriction at our second gig of the week, the Commercial hotel in...boola...bolla...ARGH how is it spelled?

Right. Boo La Roo. Got it. I have been misspelling it all week.

We took a nice drive up the coast to near Lake Macquarie to play at the Commercial, just before it gets renovated.

During the drive up I was once again struck by how pretty some parts of NSW are. Maybe its just the greenery.

Or the double entendre of the roadsigns

If you haven't taken a wander through your surrounds lately, you're missing out.

The weather was perfect (unusual for one of our gigs) and we settled in for a night at the Commercial which had its share of moments, such as Drum Failure.

Theo was slightly surprised by a new(ish) snare skin deciding to explode...but HA! I say! We laugh in the face of such problems! ha! (Theo had a spare....) and the night continued with Boogie aplenty.

Shout out to Andy and to a special mention for Chip and his hot dance steps! (EDIT: A shout out to Chris as well!)

Sunday saw us return to the Time & Tide. Cheers to Pete and Rock-it mag for running the article about us. We had a great turn out and spent a full afternoon touring through the styles of Blues, Roots  and anything else we could get our hands on. As it was a Sunday arvo gig, we took the opportunity to start out with the acoustic set and ease into the afternoon.

The new stuff is still developing. Running Jody seems to need a longer ending and we're still working on the harmonies for Tall Timbers.

Hey to Matt, Roger (I keep trying to persuade them dude, just not winning so far), Ian (got your emails dude, cheers), Wheels and and all the folks who came out to spend a grand afternoon in the beer garden.

This week we have Yet More Work on Nuevo Retro (persistence is a virtue) + two gigs on the weekend, one at the Fitzroy in Windsor, one at...oh heck I dont know. I'll check the gig guide on the site in a minute and figure it out. (EDIT - PENDLE HILL INN, PENDLE HILL. I looked it up)

We hope to see you, dear reader, at a gig soon.