Howdy Folks. This weekend was Stockton and the Bondi Icebergs.

For your Zen Pleasure, here's the view from the calming...

Read on for the gig reports!
 In our continuing mission to seek out new venues and go where no band has gone before (well...not exactly, but it sounds good on star trek) we started with another glorious trip up the coast.

The Queen very thoughtfully had a birthday holiday this weekend, so it meant people were out and about. With Double Demerits and a government keen on revenue from fines  saving lives the Police presence was enough to remind everyone to Drive Safely.

On this trip, Theo decided to favour us with some Prog Rock Experimental stuff from the 60's and 70's, and thus we hurled up the freeway accompanied by the music of Frank Zappa:

The Zappa on the way up was fine. the Experimental 'Yes' album from 1974 on the way back was....well....lets just say that I have found another reason for time travel. They Must be Stopped.

When I drive next time I am gonna play Theo 2 hours of Pink Floyd's Early Stuff. (REVENGE!!! HAHAHAHA!!!)


With our brains reeling from the Zappian Complexity of Arrangement, we arrived at Stockton and got ready for the gig, only to discover 2 cables were missing! Oh Noes! With a quick re routing of the fold back, we were good to go (as good as we were going to get anyhow). Out the front it sounded fine (sound quality at least), on the stage it was a tad muffled. Oh well.

This gig saw the introduction of 2 new songs, Half Man Cow and Same Old Blues. We had hoped to get Company of a Friend into the set but coudn't figure out where to place it. We have to get these new songs into rotation because we're itching to record them.

The Stockton locals have started to come out to see us and danced from the beginning of the set. At various points we had boot scooting ( at least I think thats what it was), swing dancing and all manner of Shaking Your Stuff - and from the audience too!

And thus with our audience Danced out, the band shagged out and new songs tested, we clambered back into the car for the trip home for the next days gig. Thats when Theo hit us with the Progressive 'Yes' album. Noooooooooo!!!!! (lol)

Right. the following day we headed for the hippest bunch of rocks in Bondi, the Icebergs!

The view was, quite simply, awesome:

and we werent the only ones who thought so

Meanwhile, inside, our guitarists have started to sprout Guitar Racks. First it was Paul, quote "I'd better start tuning up, I have 64 strings to tune'.

Now Rosie's caught it. Behold:

and on the other side:

They're MULTIPLYING!!!! Help!

And so with a final glance at the sea as night fell:

it was time to start up the music - but first - here's a moment in history. A brief presentation of the swimming trophy won by the icebergs this weekend - now the Icebergs are justifiably proud of their Winter Swimming Heritage - membership requires you swim 3 out of 4 winter sundays for 5 consecutive years before you gain membership. now THAT's commitment.

And so, we present a unique moment in Australian Cultural Stuff:

With trophies awarded, Monday a Public Holiday and the sound and sights of waves crashing around the rocks as we played, we embarked on our set. Hurrah!  By the end of the night even the Kitchen Staff came out to boogie with us.

Thanks to Tom for managing the sound and cheers to Billy and Victor!  We're looking forward to a return visit.