Howdy Folks. Its official. We're shagged out after this weekends gigs.

For an avid blogger, such as your humble correspondent (LOL), there is a fine line between recording and sharing moments of know. Stuff. (loquacious eh?) and oversharing. Thus for this posting, No Pictures were taken and No MJEB's will be harmed as a result.

Suffice it to say what Happens at Matts Birthday, Stays at Matts Birthday. All I will say is that when Carl (yay, Carls back) send someone else to hand me a glass of water whilst I was doing a harp solo, I rather would prefer that it not be the Lingerie Clad waitress.

So do I

a: Finish my harp solo
b: take the glass of water
c: stare at the scantily clad female and make Ooga-Ooga noises.
Fortunately, after many years of Harp-Fu, I choose option A,C then B, more or less simultaneously. Bad Carl! You did that on purpose!

Happy Birthday Matt and thanks for inviting us to your big night and a Big Night it was. 'Nuff said.

After a 3am finish we had to back up for the Macquarie Arms gig the following day at 1pm. We were well on schedule until the mysterious disappearance of our Soundo/Pa provider, whereabouts still unknown.

This occasioned a rather interesting dilemma of being ready to play and having no PA.

I owe some serious thanks to Matt and his mate (didn't catch your name dude, but thanks!) at River Music, who were open on a Sunday and were able to hook me up with Shannon (thanks so much) who provided us with the bare bones of a system to use for the afternoon. Bullet dodging is a specialty here :-)

We were in the beer garden at the Macquarie Arms, which is still a rambling sprawl of rooms with a moderate historical pedigree, occasioning a Duck Now notice or two. Whilst the huge cumulus clouds threatened storms,  it stayed dry and hot for the time we were playing.

Windsor is still very pretty and is a mix of the Colonial past and modern developments, but with no major buildings blocking the vision and a wide plain around you, it has a glorious view of the Sky. People were out in force today riding their choppers, walking their kids around the park and generally enjoying a hot spring day.

Next week we're back to Night Time gigs and continued work on Carls Chair.
