Boy that took me a while. I am reminded of Valve softwares press release 'Newflash: Making Games is hard!', but in this case, it's Videoclips.


Yep, after several months, multiple scripts (write'em, cost'em, figure out we can't afford'em, forget'em, write another one) I have finished the Swamp Monster videoclip! Hurrah!


But I cant show it to you.


Well...yet. I am using a bunch of public domain footage but opted to use 2 X 4 second shots licensed under Creative Commons, but I am waiting on the Official Permission of them what made the footage. Its not that tough to replace the bits but I am hopeful that the folks who posted their stuff online will see clear to letting us use it. Fingers (claws?) crossed.


Failing which, I will need to find 8 seconds of if Spongebob turns up unexpectedly in the clip you'll know why. Oh...that's copyright too? ARGH! Foiled again! 


Stay tuned, it should be online this week, one way or another!