Where is that sound coming from? Is the Speaker Stack playing guitar? Is it a Bird? is it a Train? NO! It's Super Rosie, emerging from behind the speakers! Short gig report from Revesby!

Howdy Folkses!

1 hour + a stage? Bloody Luxury! We played the Revesby Ex Servicemens last night, good sound (cheers to Wayne at Arena), good room, good crowd. A shout out to Gaye and Brucie!

We had Incoming last night during the third song:  our vibe was so powerful (LOL) that one of the House Lights fell out of the ceiling moduling, looking like the discarded nose cone of some passing jet. Having one fall out of the ceiling, mid song, centre stage, on the dance floor, was one of those things that happens.

When a SECOND light fixture fell out, landing smack bang in the middle of the dance floor, i wondered if perhaps the Bass was up a tad loud...Or, we were getting Incoming Fire...Despite the dangers, people came to the dance floor. Damn the torpedoes, full boogie ahead! We had dancing and an accurate answer to  'which steely dan song did we rip off here' ?  YAY!

As you can see from the above picture, there was a rather large stack of speakers roughly in front of where MRose was playing (those black bins in front of him), so, at a vital point in his solo, he just climbed up on the amps and went berserk! Way to go Rosie! I grabbed my phone cam mid song (was it big bird?) cos I had to get a pic. 

I think the official title of the ex services club is 'hero's hill' - here's the park outside the club, with the artillery pointed at the Car Park (DO NOT PARK HERE is seriously enforced....go ahead...make my day) 

Did someone say Incoming?

The club celebrates our service men and womens....err....service...to their country. It was fitting that we got a chance to play Roscoes Boogie and what better way to celebrate the protection of the Australian Dream than loud music and Cold Beer! A good night ensued.

Recently, we've been looking at our 'stagecraft' (ie not standing there like a pillar during the set) which may have inspired Rosies Climb To New Heights...(or maybe he was trying to get out from underneath a Light Fixture). For my part, it seems to involve wrestling with the Mike stand. Despite some of these actions being involuntary, I get the distinct feeling it presents like an Avant Garde play about a man trying to strangle a metal pole. It was worse in rehearsal. Those things are really light and it doesnt take much to move'em. Visions of the damn thing sailing out into the audience....hmmm...

We're gearing up for our first Official-Type Blues Festival at Windsor next weekend, its an early gig (11:45 AM...yes, AM on a sunday. Daylight. Ye Gods!) and next week sees continuing work on SC2...then we're off on tour (I think) in November. Its a busy time.