Howdy Folks. It's time to talk 3D sound.

Is this Back to the Audio Future? Lynn Fuston's mike rig at Check out her site for some awesome info on 3d sound setups. How retro can we go?

With Nuevo Retro entering final mix phase, it's time to cast our eyes (ears?) towards the next project, presently entitled 'Carl's Chair' and yep, you guessed it, its time for another experiment in sound.

Whiskey Talkin (SC1) was a straight digital audio production. Spacejunk (sc3-ep1) was straight analogue..ok...almost all analogue (e.g except for the CD release and the digital extractions we did of the 8 track stuff that went wonky) and Nuevo Retro (SC2) is once more DDD.

When we did Spacejunk as a live recording it was principally because 'sweet misery' was too chaotic to try and do as a standard multitrack recording (see for sweet misery at Mangrove Mountain). Once you have made the choice to go live, going analogue is not that much of a stretch (but I am aware how nuts thinking this actually is)

Recording at Mangrove Mountain was terriffic. You can hear the space inside the hall. The ambience is part of the sound, and thats something we're used to from listening to classic blues and roots recordings. We just dont know it!  The mechanisms and locations added something to the sound. Despite the technical probs we had on the day, i still think the sound from those old wooden floorboards and high ceiling was exceptional.

For the next lot of material that we've just started to play in the live set (yes, I know SC2 isnt released yet but we've been playing it live for ages and we're ready for new stuff...soz) its' a bit more rootsy, so we are considering the whole 'record it live' approach, and want to get even more of the ambient sound stuff.

That led to a little research into 3D sound. Just to see if we can find a way of providing the whole vibe of the process and the environment.

Over the next little while I'll keep posting some of our exploits and research as we gear up for a January attempt at another experimental EP.
