Howdy Folks. Too hot to blog? Nope Busy rehearsing stuff for our next recording.

Sunday we spent the afternoon sweating it out at the Historic Bald Rock hotel. This weekend in Sydney was hot enough to make you sweat through your elbows. What a great night it turned out to be. Hey to Macca, Pete, Jay, Dan, Al, T, Emma Jane (?) , Frank, Mia, Stuart and the stack of folks who spent the late afternoon and evening with us.
Always wanted to play this pub. Maybe its the sandstone.

Whilst we're working on the stuff for the next recording (SC-4-EP2) we're testing it out at the gigs. which may mean that you can hear the evolution of the song from gig to gig as we lop lumpy bits off and smooth over the squeaky parts.

Sunday gave us another chance to do the acoustic set which now features Tall timbers, Running Jody, Cheap Hotel, Last Drinks at Glenrowan and Island Time (these last two are on Nuevo Retro but electric so we get a chance to do them more folksy).

We may even do them this Friday at Avalon. Paul is pressing to get three new ones into the set by Friday (YIKES!) which means we'd better get them finished (lol).

Over the next few weeks you ought to start seeing some interesting things happening as we get ready to release SC2 (Nuevo Retro)...the puppets are almost ready...the electric street signs are being programmed and the jive swing dancers are getting into their zoot suits. No, I have not gone mad, its all the preproduction stuff for the Nuevo Retro videoclips. We'll blog about them as they occur!

Stay Tuned!