Howdy Folks. Back from a long drive to Wagga for a weekend gig.

The weekend trip started with a bang. Actually, more like a wet squish, when we had a Leaky Coolant Hose moment at the outset, necessitating a swift change of cars.

On the way, it was typical stormcellar weather.

So sit back and enjoy a few snapshots of the weather between here and Wagga on this Easter weekend. Ah how relaxing. Oh yeah, plus some stuff about a gig. That kind of thing.

There's still something compelling about the changing weather patterns that roll across the southern highlands as you scoot down widened concrete road, punctuated only by the occasional roadsign..

..I'm starting to wonder if they're following me..

The boys (and girls) in blue were out in force this weekend. Pity the foolish young P Plate Jedi who decided to test their skills against radar traps and thank heaven for Cruise Control putting a end to the vagaries of wandering accelerator feet! Hallelujah (amen)

A special shout out to ray and the guys at the Driver Reviver outside Goulburn for volunteering their weekend to make sure people took a break from long drives. 

We made it to wagga by Sundown and went straight to the venue to get cracking, well ahead of our late start (10pm to 2am. Ye Gods)!

I like that someone went to the trouble of drawing the little lightning bolts on the chalkboard. Thats cool.

Carl in the control room. Why does he get protection?

Yes once again, the strange happenings of Wagga continued. At least this time it was a nice lady who wanted to plant one on me.

Blame 'Kitty' for daring her mate to do it. Never a dull moment with us. Between the dancing, calls of approval for Mustaches and the occasional friendliness of local Waggans, a good night was had by all, until the wee small hours. The helpful security dude pointed out that as the clocks had reset at 2am we were due back on stage for another hour. Mercy, please! Thanks to Trevor and the gang at the Home hotel for making us feel welcome.

As we departed the following day, we were able to stop and watch a bit of GeoCaching going on as Wagag hosted a Mega Cache weekend. It was amazing to see the number of people getting into it.

One of the geocache targets - Snakes and Ladders. Geocaching involves quite a bit of sleuth work - or you could just follow the stream of people with clipboards and gps units :-)

Our next gig is on saturday april 10, 7:30pm at   Coordinates: 33°48'2"S   150°57'24"E See you there!