Sometimes the bull, he wins - weekend gig report
Holy Cow the boys went off last night. Read on for more and a few pics.
Back from our Away Game last weekend, it was time to hit our continuing residency spot at the Pendle Inn. Hey to Jill and Kat, Dave, Tony, Prune and the folks who spent the evening with us.
Repo and Mitch at the sounddesk.
4 on the floor!
It's all Theo's fault. Theo went a bit mental in the drum sequence in You're so bad (? I think) and got a standing ovation. Then Rosie and Paul went for a duelling guitar thing in Sweet Misery followed by an outlandish, over the top, ridiculous series of insane guitar bits from both of them.
Now I don't usually like to praise guitarists for running off into the distance for 48 bars of blistering Guitar Hero-ness but damn, they were on fire last night.
For my part, the evening consisted of failing to switch the harp mike on during my bits (sounded great!) and discovering that the Kennard Hire ear muffs are almost as good as that Fancy Shmancy in-ear monitoring. I might look like I'm about to mow the lawn but it improved my ability to pitch the notes. Hurrah for earmuffs! Hurrah for Guitar Squirrels!
That was great fun. Cheers to everyone for coming out.
We're at the Bald Rock Hotel next Sunday and this week see's us working on the next videoclip for Nuevo Retro. We'll do'em as often as we can afford to!