In honour of Carl, our Gold Plated Roadie having achieved a ranking of Level 2 Roadie, it gives me great pleasure to bestow upon him his Official Roadie Merit Badges.
Gaffer Tape Expert, Level 1
For meritorius deployment of Gaffer Tape in a non-hostage situation

 Transport Recovery Badge
Recovering equipment and personnel from more than 3 breakdowns

Musician Roundup Badge, Level 1
 For ensuring musicians are on stage during performances, excluding Bail Appearances (see "I Am Not A Lawyer But Here's Some Cash In A Bag" badge).

Beverage Scavenger Badge, Level 1
For the provision of drinks in a constant and timely fashion

Fog Machine Solo Award
For zealous implementation of Fog Machines during performances

Guitar Handler, Level 2
Ability to pass 3 or more guitars to guitarists during performance

Congratulations to Carl, may he wear them proudly