Desptaches from the Camelia Grove! Weekend gig report!
It was awesome to see so many familiar faces last night at the Camelia Grove! A big shout to Fred now that he's back into town.
Boy have they revamped the Camelia Grove. A lot. I remember this pub from some time ago and I don't remember it being so swanky.
Hi to Lou, Andreas, Phil, Kiernan, Alan and Scott & the Girls for hanging out for the night. We had a lot of percussion talent in the house last night, with both deputies and the sheriff in attendance, Theo got up and played Tambourine and sang chorus vocals whilst Tony kept the drums under control and Henry made the sound work.
Huge thanks to Tony and Henry for helping us whilst Theo has been out of commission. They both had to cram 30 new songs into their brains just to do the gigs with us. Thank you both.
We tried a new set arrangement last night. Arranging sets is no mean feat. Once again,we turned to the I-Ching method (cutting all the set lists up into little pieces of paper and rearranging them. Trying balance guitar changes, tempo changes, keys and feels is tough. During the development phase we thought we had the perfect 3rd set - until we realised all but two songs were in G. Turns out, getting this right is hard. Eeek! Set 1 worked ok, Set 3 was great but Set 2, which was previously fine, is now in need of a tweak. ARRRGH!!!
There's only one way out. New songs. God help us.
We have some private functions coming up over the next two weeks, so we're not back around the traps until the 14th of November at the Macquarie arms. In the meanwhile, we're back in the studio twice next week and probably the week following, as we continue to do the overdubs and fixes for carls chair.