I am staggered to learn our great mate Tommy Lee has passed away. I'm kind of shattered.

For those who think we're famous enough to know 'big name band' Tommy Lee, no he's fine (i hope).

Our Tommy Lee was a musician and sound engineer who once drove 13 hours just to come and do sound for us at a low rent bar cos he loved us. These things are precious.
Vale Tommy Lee, gone to the great gig in the sky.

"Friend of the band' is a term we use for those who have gone above and beyond the love of a musical act. It has been reserved for those who have 'been there' for us. 

It's as high a commendation as we can fashion from our respect and love in return.

Tommy Lee, where-ever you are, we were made the richer for your presence, we are diminished in your loss and sustained by your memory. Thank you and godspeed.