Howdy Folks.

That was a tough week, internet-wise. 

I got spanked and sent home from the internets by a naughty hacker who took us offline for a few days.

Ok, more accurately, a naughty hacker used a security breach to try and run some naughty code, google spotted it, started blocking the site and whilst I was busy trying to stamp out the infection I kind of a little frustrated...sort of...and may have...well...deleted the whole site in a fit of pique.


Ok, not exactly but lets just say it's goignto take me some time to put all the articles back up.


Oh and what a weeks its been, with the release of the first video for Hired Guns & Borrowed Glory (more on that in a minute), the completion of mixing ( I have it in my hot little hands), the redeployment of the website (well if we have ti upgrade lets see what other things we can add), a big weekend of gigging last weekend and another show on this Saturday.


Please bear with us as I revive the site and don't be surprised if you see things move around a bit, now that I have some new web toys I am going to play with them a little.


It's good to be back.