See what happens when I answer interview questions in the wee small hours in Kansas City...I just got compared to The Dude. That's completely awesome. Besides which, that rug really tied the room together.


Here's the interview, and a link FYI:


Michael ‘MJEB’ Barry is the vocalist and harpist with Sydney band Stormcellar. He also just happens to be hilarious, and by giving us insight into Stormcellar’s formidable live act and melting-pot of sonic influences, has provided us with the funniest interview of the festival.
Built upon a solid foundation of bass, guitar, drums, harp and slide, Stormcellar also throw in a casual mandolin, the occasional fiddle, folk influences, potent lyrics, and a melodic but incredibly versatile singer. The result is a unique and compelling act described by roots magazine No Depression as “The Rolling Stones fronted by James Taylor”.
In speech and personality, MJEB reflects the impromptu and animated musical vibes of Stormcellar. Charming and quick-witted, he speaks of curious deviations from the norm, and is delightfully reminiscent of Jeff “The Dude” Lebowski’s comedy and linguistic style.
CFF: Stormcellar seem like an incredible mix of influences, genres and instruments. How did all these elements come together, and how you make it all work?
MJEB: We’re just one of the hardworking bands out there playing gigs in Sydney. There is a great depth of talent everywhere you look and Sydney-ites are starting to come back out to participate, which is great. Stormcellar came out of the music jam scene in the Inner West in the late ‘oughties’, mutating from a straight harp/slide blues outfit into something most curious. We make it all work in the same way as a family makes it work. Fractiously, kindly, surprisingly and with as much affection as we can muster. Being conscious of the fragile nature of these things is a plus.
CFF: The Cruelty Free Festival crowd is always very diverse too – do you think you gel well with the festival? 
MJEB: LOL. We’re already a pretty diverse lot, musically and otherwise. We’ve played to bikies in Beechworth, backpackers in Bondi, gurus at the icebergs, organic-niks on the Central Coast, rockers in Randwick, toothless dudes in Terre Haute, bluescats in Kansas, hipsters in Darlinghurst, we’ve been carjacked, electrocuted, heckled, pilloried, plied, feted and flown. However we’ve never been festival gelled but we’re plucky and will try anything once.
CFF: You seem like a fun act – is that something you strive for? How do you think you’ll be received on the day?
MJEB: Part A – yes we’re fun. You have no idea. We are more funner than a bag full of puppies. In fact we have been hanging out with puppies on tour. I’m not kidding. That’s just how we roll. Puppies.
Part B – We do not strive for fun. Fun simply is. We merely abide where it is.
Part The C – We, plus any who are near where we are, will be drawn into an almost infinite vortex of complete awesomeness. This will be indicated by the tapping of feet, ‘smiling’ and physical movements in a choreographed, or even spontaneous, manner. All of this will be presented in full sensory 4D. Wow.
CFF: What are your plans for the day, apart from playing?
MJEB: The best part of a festival is getting to watch the other acts. Other than that we make no predictions. Other than that whole vortex thing. That will probably happen.
Thanks MJEB for your time, and we look forward to seeing what Stormcellar has in store for the festival!
Cheers Elena.
BTW I'm pretty sure what I said was G rated but I cant quite recall :-)