Twas the night before Christmas

and all through the land

people went shopping

at Coles

for cheap ham

or crowded in Target

fighting over

the lollies

some ramming old ladies

and cars with their trolleys

but one thing was absent

one thing was missing

it was as if Old Saint Nick

left a sign

'I've gone fishing'

The reindeer searched high for their

ebullient master

'if we cannot find Santa, 'it'll be a disaster'

til a red eyed young reindeer put

his ear to the ground

I know where that fat bastard is

just follow that sound

down railways and streetways and sidewalks and chimneys

and bike lanes and alleys went DONNER UND BLIITZEN!!

at last did they come to a well hidden stair

pointed the young reindeer

I'll just bet he's up there

so they forked out dough for the cover

and marched through the door

and LO, there was Santa, out on the dance floor

He smiled his great smile, gave them a hug

so warm and big

I wondered when you'd get here

it's a Stormcellar gig!


Ho Ho Ho!