And now, the magic of editing as we combine multiple weekends gig reports into a short single blog. Behold the condensing begins!

Last week saw us start on the Saturday at the Bald Rock.

Thank goodness I took some pictures because I cant remember much of what happened in the previous week :-) I've been distracted. i'll view these with you and see if they jog my memory.

That's the pub, ok , so far so good.

There were lots of people there.

They danced.

They took pictures of us, so I took pictures of them (I'm doing very well here dontcha think?)

This one I thought was a noble effort to give Australia the benefit of the doubt in the football.



Yep, more dancing

I brought lights

I  took a moment to join the audience and watch Mr Wizard and Rosie jamming.


Great, so there you have it. Another fine night at the Bald Rock. I'd normally send a shout out to whoever was there by name, but well, my mental cache has been cleared. Anyway, you know who you were :-)

The next day, we were off to play a double bill with Wards Express and as per Mr Wizards instructions, we were due to get there in time to watch Ross's set.

Little did any of us know that the bushfire hazard prevention thing was happening the same day and some of us, in fact, most of us, got caught in the very bad traffic snafu.


To top it all off, I had a disagreement with my GPS and took a wrong turn so it was a lucky thing that I got there in time to see some of Ross's set.



Which was a good thing as ross plays some masterful guitar, ably supported by the Stalwart Alan Briton on Bass. Go AB!


Ross and the boys tore it up and the afternoon crowd showed their appreciation and reluctantly let them go so we can start up. Fair enough too say I.. 

Meanwhile, looking at the menu I saw a lot of familiar names that play down that way.

Wards Express were a tough act to follow (ha! I got to say it!) and I didn't take much time to video our set, but Mark 'Radar' Watson did and posted some vids of it too somewhere (search youtube). We might have been playing all of the songs a little...too fast.

Now something I did remember was that the battery in my in ear monitors died song three.

That was harsh. I struggled through the next few songs and then it dawned on me I could filch the battery from my delay pedal (yes I am becoming a guitarist..sort of..expect more pedals, you can mock me appropriately later) and with some quick yanking on bits of wires, we were sorted by Black Crow. Whew.

We did our thing and had a great afternoon.

Shout outs to Steve, Bernie, Nick, Dave, Erica bub and Hub, LeJeune, Radar, and all the folks who came out for the afternoon.

After we finished up, we packed and began looking for routes back home that avoided the sections of the freeway that were on fire.

I spotted this vehicle outside in the car park. The owner assured me he has hydraulics to lift it otherwise speed humps would be a bummer.


The Following Weekend (Last night even)

Our first gig at Hornsby, shout outs to Michael, Ben & The Swampers, CB, Lindsay, our Georgia Peach, Lana and all the folks who were there for our first night.

Now of course things in my world were starting to come back to normal, after my victorious destruction of our website! Take that! How can you tell my mental stability is returning? Check out my equipment packing :-) 

We had a new vehicle to use for the night and a lot of gear to fit in, behold.


And he packed the car and saw that it was good, and he acknowledged that lo, his Tetris skills were indeed, mad skills.

And was rewarded with our very own Rider.

Does it get any better than free cola?

And not to spin my first blog back out too long, we setup, played

Folks danced

Some Zombie Eye action going on there

And then we repacked

And thus the cycle of life continues.

Cheers to all the folks who've been at our lasts few gigs. We have two weekends off now with some well deserved breaks for the lads.

In the interim, it's time for song orders, mastering, artwork, pressing, new videoclips, fixing the site and ....taking a moment to appreciate the good stuff going on around us :-)