Howdy Folks, back in the studio last night thanks to Mr Wizard and Rick O. Well done Gents for keeping us moving..

We've been pretty busy of late so we could be forgiven for dragging our feet a little on doing more recordings, but such is not the worth ethic of this band. Nope.

We knocked over one more track for the curious assembly project and in keeping with the random themes of the project,went to a completely new studio.

Our objective was to play simultaneously, to keep the live feel of the song, so we looked for a local studio where we could get line of sight to one another yet sufficient separation to play all at once.

Mr Rix was impressed by some amp thing or another, I don't know..

More analogue gear for you Tape Freaks out there - but last night we were strictly digital (sadly)



while the rhythm section setup, Rosie and Mr Wizard and Pete jammed on Travelling Song


And yes, great to see, Chicks that Mix! Cheers to Antonia for being our recording engineer last night.

Getting the vocals right on this one was no joke - the long held 'Hey' at the beginning of the verse has to come in strongly and be held on the note, without wobbling or wandering around. The recent work we've done with Vicky D. has improved the harmony work of the band. I am happy to say that I used no more nor no fewer takes than required to get the job done :-)

The terrific Pete D was there as producer for the tracks so even though it was a different location, it felt just like home :-) Cheers to Chris and Antonia for the help!.

Next stop will be mixing at Goose.

Meanwhile, we're looking at how to record the next two tracks.

As always, if it happens, you'll hear about it here first!