UPDATE - roscoe complained about my mockup artwork so I fixed it.

BTW - these have been flying off the shelves, BIG THANKS to everyone who's bought one.

get in quick before I run out!

Truly Limited Edition Stormcellar Ozicana Tour  US 2013 Fundraiser T Shirt - $40 +$5 P& H

Here's a concept tour T-Shirt, buy one and help us make them and also maybe help us raise a couple of bucks for the tour.

Is it last minute? You betcha, welcome to my nightmare. Howevere, it does look kinda cool if I do say so myself. well done Bob.

Here's some things you ought to know:

1. I might change the artwork ( a little, maybe add some more venues, maybe mess with with colours)

2. You wont get it until we get back from the tour, so that's early october.

3.We're getting them made in the US so it's not cheap.

4. We'll get your size, you can pick.

5. Art's by Stormcellar site artists Robert Carter and Yours Truly.
