What kind of lunatic fringe maniacs spend all night on a one and a half minute song?
if you've just joined the conversation, then you might puzzle over that question.
For regular readers, you know perfectly well who's likely to do that.
Yep, that'd be us.
What a fun night.
It started with appropriate omens above the studio
Inside, we were gearing up for what we thought would be a simple single mike acoustic guitar and vocal piece, with maybe some minimal percussion.
Ok so we got through that and then opted to try a second version with more stuff.
Like a big-ass Marshall stack for some ambient slide guitar
Oh, I know, let's add the Kit and an additional Floor Tom overdub
Oh and some pink bass
Plus some harp (the Lesley organ effect was weird so we ditched it), some additional harmonies and another acoustic guitar.
So that's now brought the song up to 1:40.
Cheers to Richard for getting it all together. We'll mix it next week. Tick off another song on the list for The Curious Assembly.