1. yay Fix is in is out as a single. Fix in out.
  2. I am doing a review of the instrumental album as I type, standing here in front of my k/b listening to the tracks. Friend of the Band Nick T and Theo have already vetted it for levels.
    I am making minor tweaks.
    There are some technical things to test yet, but I reckon I am close. Then will come artwork, then a release cycle for distribution.
    I have a few release issues too - making sure the Big Cloud Computer sees these files as 'separate' to the previous releases, cos they have been edited and remastered so therefore actually wind up as a separate 'file' or item, which means making sure that on paper AND as far as the computers know, these are the same songs but different mixes.
    That means it might take a little longer in the working out than in the remastering.
  3. ‘Adulting’ pause. Everyone’s got stuff to do so we are taking a few weeks off live shows between the middle of august and September. I’ll be mixing in the interim.
  4. Bringing me to the next aim of recording drums for three songs before Theo goes off to the Netherlands for some revisiting. We’re bringing new songs into the next show and hopefully we’ll get the recording going for three of them.
  5. That will bring us to around …let’s count – WOAMFB, Morning flame, 2-week millionaire, Liquidator, Fix is in – ok that’s five singles this year since we released Basilisk in January, but to be fair, Basilisk was really a 2023 project with a 2024 release.
  6. Adding the next three will bring us close to an albums worth by Q4.
  7. Greenhouse 3 is still blossoming away, there are plenty of options but they gotta grow in their own time.
  8. Video’s for Liquidator and Fix is In and Black Crow are in development.
  9. More mini touring is on the cards.
  10. Still working on the stormcellar screenplay.
  11. 2024’s a good year to be getting on with things 😊 Stay tuned.