
So we are getting towards the point where we can make some decisions. Let's recap:

1. Planned album with RT has not materialised. I might try again but I’d say if I haven’t got it together by now, chances aren't high we'll see anything this year.
2. This last month pause has definitely slowed our roll somewhat.
3. Things are ramping back up again so we may see a burst of activity in the last 3 months of the year.

4. I found a cheaper Image generator and might have a crack at finishing a few more image/still videos.


Release Schedules.

1. the instrumental album is good to go, pending me working out what to name the songs to differentiate them in the catalogue of YouTube from the old versions.
2. Here's a list of what we have made and released so far this year, (excluding Basilisk)

  • Go Down Easy (unplugged)
  • The Duke
  • I disappear (unplugged)
  • waiting on a message from bob
  • liquidator
  • morning flame
  • 2-week millionaire
  • the fix is in


The Duke is out as a single, go down easy and I disappear unplugged are both out as videos.

The rest are out as singles.

It'd be a weird album with that lot of songs.

Initially, we were proposing to put The Duke, ID, GDE all on one EP 'songs about Death'

Ok great. That leaves 5 songs.... except...

Liquidator is a Sturmkeller song and I reckon needs to be on its own EP with a few other STURMKELLLLLLLERRRR tracks.

That leaves 4 songs.

Right now, I have 3 more in mixing that are coming along to a release point - Psych. Surf, The Yearning and Heavens on my shoulder.

I expect therefore we will have 7 tracks ready for an album.

Additionally, 'Crossfire' has never appeared on an Album, only as a single, so...that could go on there. Potentially, that makes 8.

In Greenhouse3, we have more guides and concept tracks and in the Greenhouse 2 seedbank we have more concept recordings. I actually have spreadsheets.

I made an effort in 2023 to drain all the old ideas out so that we’d have space for fresh one's, and I expect that will show up as new material this quarter.

From Greenhouse 3 I can already see 2 new prospects almost ready to be moved into development.


What's Next?

1. Release instrumental collection to Spotify/streamers. There won’t be any CD's made.
2. Release an EP with The Duke, GDE and ID we put the duke on an album album?
3. Finish current mixes, develop greenhouse concepts and see if any new stuff arises.
4. write a few more STURMKELLER songs.

Song Order:

One of the next things will be to start to compile this year’s tracks into 1 album, to listen to, to work out song orders and to blend.

Once I get the next lot of mixes out, I'll do that. Once again when I circulate it to the boys, you'll get it too.

Status of current mixes:

Psych Surf

awaiting guitar and bass

awaiting final mixing

The Yearning

awaiting replacement guitar
awaiting Bass
needs replacement vocals and harmonies

awaiting any additional solo

then to final mixing

Heaven on my shoulders

awaiting lyrics/vox

awaiting additional instrumentation

Remember, not all these tracks make it through all the way. A few I have in mixing have been returned to the greenhouse for further development, and there's always the allure of new shiny ideas.

Other Items

Website migration (don’t ask)
2024 CRAB festival
December Mini Tour
More videos
The Big Band Show

Thanks for your support in 2024, we hope you've been enjoying the ride with us.

We'll crack on with what we can get done, and see if we can finish another album this year.