I am putting the robot image generators through their paces and having a blast.
Turn around on this was a few weeks elapsed pre-production and about 12 hours of editing.
Relative to $ per second, this is nuts.
This was NOT the video I was planning on making, having used Dall-E and Runway (the online robots) to great effect on Liquidator, where it really turned out similarly to my shotlist/storyboard/mental picture, this video was made using left over 'credits' on the robot generator.
I wound up have to buy extra cos I got to 95% and went screw it, i wanna do it, so I did.
These things still suck at Narrative cos they can't maintain a consistent model at present, or at least that's not available to the public. Everytime a scene/image is generated, it starts from scratch. It doesn't 'know', it's still clockwork. Fancy clockwork and eventually maybe even so advanced we can't tell, and passes the Turing test/Voight Kampf test, but meanwhile it still needs the squishy meat parts to make it all work.
Liquidator worked well cos a gasmask is an easy trompe de l'oeil. This clip well...not so much.
Following the wise saying 'let thy limitations be thine art', and our more general interpretation of 'do what you can with what you got, while you can' and add to it 'as often as possible' and well, here we are.
Since we started I have done live action, animation, CGI, LLM generation and now Robot Animation. If there's one consistent thing? BUTTONS!!! Yay! Newwww butttons! What does this do??
Hmm...anyway Imma do Juggernaut as a video project. Yeah thought I'd mention that. Also? I got an album to finish, we are on ross fears show in early feb so we have a deadline.
Welcome to 2025, batten down the hatches kids it's gonna be a dooozey.