2 new recordings for The Curious Assembly scheduled for this week
Turns out it's been way too long in 'Cellar terms between albums and we've been pushing to get The Curious Assembly completed.
We initially were thinking of it as an EP. Oh but i get ahead of myself. Lets go back to when we were thinking of future projects after the completion of Hired Guns.
There was a concept floating around of putting together a rowdy little EP of nothing but raucous 70's blues rock, as if recorded at a biker clubhouse full of drunken yahoos, where we would play not one single 'nice' sweet song.
The concept had a working title of 'F--- Yeah' (I know, I know it wouldn't have passed marketing and besides which, Green Day beat us to it) and in fact the project got hung up on the name.
By the time we'd agreed that 'Hell yeah' was better (wusses), we'd written material to suit - 'Give me something I want' was perfect for that concept, 'Over yonder' (the boogie) was ready, we could stick 'dirty work' on there...and then...we wrote Sweet Adeline.
Oh crap. It's....nice.
Ok, still no problem, it's only one out of kilter song, we can put it aside and then follow up with..
Onward Traveler.
And Traveling Song.
Somewhere during this process, the project became a curious assembly of songs. You can see how we come up with titles. Rocket science it ain't.
By the time Twice Shy Girl came along our song writing had scattered into quantum uncertainty and all sorts of stuff started popping out. Curiouser and Curiouser.
We got back from the US tour and had some more nice Blues-y Stuff, such as Downwards Bound and Low Low, which we immediately followed up on with Queen Above The Ocean (Colonial Folk)
About a month ago we decided we really wanted to get this thing finished - we'd been releasing the tracks individually as singles, as soon as they'd been mastered, but a full CD is still the preferred medium for most of the local DJ's (go figure) and not being ones to waste plastic, Mr Wizard called for a full album. Costs the same to press a full album as a single.
Ok smarty pants, we've only got 9 songs ready, what do you..
Ok so now we have 14 ready.
This was meant to be an EP.
Fortunately, to our great delight, the new and unexpected songs are even more fun than the old fun songs. Now that's curious.
So to that end, we are embarking up the great Finishing-ening.
Yes, the great finishinginenggest, a concerted effort to Get This (EXPLETIVE DELETED) Thing Done.
This week we have 2 recording sessions scheduled, one for Cry for You and one for QATO. We're keeping the pressure on to get the next lot recorded.
Also, we're getting the final mix of Travelling Song out this week, so we're just powering away here.
All that's left to do is: GMSIW, LL, DB, LG, STTB, SSO, and maybe a reprise of Can't Tax Love (Theo wants to) and a new one working titled 'TF' so thats only 8 more to go. Maybe. Ah I just recounted. that's 9.
(little voice in my head reminds me, yeah, that's what you said about 'Carl's Chair' and lookit where that got you'
Damn the torpedoes sir, full steam ahead!