regular readers know we have had a bit of a tumultuous week. Kaye gave instructions that she didn't want to see any black suits and sombre faces, but I ain't changing my gig outfit for nobody :-), but just for her, here's a rainbow.
Kaye was an inustry professional and would be the first to say the show must go on.
I'd like to send a big thank you to T-Bird for volunterring as a support for Theo. Thank you Tony. Theo's opted to do the shows this weekend so without further ado, here's a reminder of what's to come this weekend
(previously in this article..)
Unleash the furry!
I mean, the Fury! The Fury! (the craw?)
3 gigs this week, starting with a Cellar Sesh on Thursday, then to the Land Of Grand Dams at Warragamba Workers on Saturday and finally a session as the House Band at the Sydney Blues Society, and we will end your week just like a Sunday.
Ooh look, more poster art :-)