Howdy Folks. Yes, the annals of a working band continue, as we played our first gig at the Kurnell Recreation Club. Apols to Wayne, one of our Fb friends who was stuck next door and couldn't get away from work to make the gig. So close yet so far.

"Next door" of course is a plant. It had so many Achtung! Verboten type signs on it I was afraid to take pictures as I thought i might get reported for Security Breaches or something.

If you;re a regular reader, you'll have noticed we have a thing for weather and the sky was glorious over Kurnell

Look to the right

Back behind you

 the fronts meeting


OH NO! I posted one of the secret images! Aaaaaah!


When we arrived at the KRC, the Xmas Raffle was on and it was HUGE. Once all the meat trays, Christmas presents and various things had been taken care of, we settled in for a good night of playing for our first visit at the club. 

All I can say is that the Playgroup Ladies Night Out certainly got the boys attention.

The girls kindly helped me to do a quick video postcard for our mates serving overseas and we ended the night reluctantly when they had to close :-) Cheers to Silver, and a big shout out to Sue and Thomas for coming all the way down for the night.

On Saturday we were back in the mastering studio with Mr Lynch putting the finishing touches on Carl's Chair.

Did we have a song order? Nope. Did we get one while we were there? yep. Is it right? Who can say!

From there it was off to the PI for Mr Wizards Birthday bash, which turned into a fairly big night.

After the gig on Friday, the boys were locked into the groove pretty strongly and with friends and family in attendance, set about playing their little hearts out. It was time for stepping out and improvising some new stuff. Just what the night required.

Prune organised a cake for Mr Wizards Birthday. Thank you Prune. You are a champion.

One of the Patrons last night had such a good time he went home and grabbed his Aunt and brought her along for the 2nd set. Now thats what I am talking about. Music that makes you fetch your Aunt. 

Hi to Lynn, Prune, grtz to Snowy (visitation weekend), Glenn Read, Frank, Elise and everyone who came out to see us

That was our last PI gig for the year and in fact its been just on a year now that we have been regular guests at the PI. Wow.

Tomorrow, with luck, the pressing for Carl's Chair starts, and we may see it back in final form before the end of the year. We might have to bribe Santa.

And speaking of which, we hope you, dear reader, are well, where ever you happen to be. And if you ever happen to be where we happen to be, come and say Hi.