The collective slump of enthusiasm at the Pendle Inn was palpable.
Despite the shock upset win by the Irish, we did our best to lift the spirits of the remaining patrons with a little music. Here's a couple of moments.

A classic moment as Prune decided to illustrate Cant Tax Love with a little free form dancing...
Classic stuff...
Cheers to the regular gang at the PI, Snowy, Prune, Matt, the girls and all the folks who spent the evening with us, and condolences to the many Wallby Fans who had such long faces last night...could be worse, you could be Waratah supporters (groan).
We've got next weekend off whilst I take a quick non-musical holiday (yay) and then back at the Riverside Inn on October 1st. Even if your football team is on the outs, come on down and spend an evening with us, we'll do our best to even the score!