Update: It looks like there are two versions, 1 formatted for ipad and one on the main page of the smh, www.smh.com.au - the version on the main page features 'Little Big Bird' from our album 'Nuevo Retro' and the Ipad Version features 'Cheap Hotel'

Obviously Ipad users like gentler songs :-)

Cumnock, where we recorded Carl's Chair, has been featured in a multmedia article in the Sydney Morning Herald about the Animals On bikes sculptures, thanks to the hard work and Enormous Cojones (for a girl!) of Christine W.

Way to go Freebs!

Oh yeah, and they used our song 'Cheap Hotel' as backing stuff. Great for us, but Awesome for Cumnock. Go on, get in your car and go visit the place.

Here's the link to the article
