We're 28 % AWESOME, 72% Getting ready to be AWESOME!
Howdy Folks. Spent last night with Ross on the Australian Spectrum Show and he played so much of our stuff and said so many nice things I'm about ready to blush.
Community Radio has been a big supporter of ours over the years and none more so than The Australian Spectrum Show.
For non mainstream artists, Community radio is one of the few mainstream platforms left and we've been fortunate to receive their support.
Ross is a champion for local acts, for local songwriting, and he's just as passionate an advocate for each of the acts be brings on. Collectively, we're lucky to have the support of Ross and all the folks that make up community radio.
Ross went to the trouble of calculating how long our albums had been on the charts for.
'21 weeks' he said.
Hey, not bad. I thought, a little less time than I had thought but still, 21 weeks, nothing to sneeze at.
'Oh' he said, reading his promo blurb. 'Did I say weeks? I meant Months'.
I responded with a 'get the flock out of here.' I didn't say Flock. I am glad we were off air.
Crikey. I HAD thought it was longer than 21 weeks but WTF. 21 months? The bands only been together..hmm..lemme see...err...6 times 12, carry the 8, divide by humpty...err...75...or so months. So far. So that's something like 28%
So I guess what I am saying is, statistically, we're 28% awesome. Made awesome by support from the Australian Community Radio Dj's.
Thanks Ross.