FYI - just in case you didn't glean this from my recent blogs or the appearance of 'Onward Traveler' and 'Sweet Adeline', we've embarked on a singles releasing process.
As our last release was a studio album, we're in our experimental phase. I like to think of it as boundary pushing time.
So far we've released a song recorded on a 2 inch 24 track analogue tape system and a track recorded on an iPad in the backyard. I'm liking this approach.
In a weeks time, we're recording another track under the guidance of Mr Pete Doherty and we're still at work on various other new songs.
During a brief session with Mr Wizard and Theo yesterday, we continued work on the most dangerous new song yet. It has the capacity to go wrong on many levels. Great!
Musical Danger!
One of the movements of the song stumped even Mr Wizard and he requested a whiteboard in order to annotate it.
I present the mystical markings of Mr Wizard.
I'll let you know when we get it ready for live performance.